December 17, 2018
Electric powered with a diesel burner for heating water, and 2,000 PSI at 3.5 GPM
December 17, 2018
Gasoline powered pressure washer is rugged and ideal for use
In remote locations, 4,000 PSI, 4 GPM
December 17, 2018
The GPW-1300 high pressure mobile heavy duty industrial pressure washer delivers form and function, especially when you’ve got a lot of ground to cover 1300 PSI, 1.6 GPM
November 19, 2018
The air-powered GPW-1000 is the perfect solution for hazardous environments where gas or electric pressure washers would be unsafe. It cleans just a fast as
comparable units but can be used safely in all situations, 1,000 PSI, 2.2 GPM